Archive for May, 2016

May 10, 2016

5 Tips : Improve your facebook Video Ads

According to Facebook, they are seeing people spend an average of 1.7 seconds with a piece of content in their newsfeed on mobile compared to 2.5 seconds on desktop. This has a big impact on how you should structure your Facebook video. Here are a few tips that can help your brand stand out with a little help from the pros research at Facebook:

  1. Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 6.57.54 AMThe first 10 seconds of your video are likely to play with the sound off. So you need to create a visual that makes an impact and hook to get the audience to keep watching.
  2. To make a branding impact, you should put your brand in the middle of the video image and keep it up front for at least 5 seconds to help recall on your company or product name after the viewer moves on.
  3. Since some viewers keep their sound off, your video needs text in the message to get the major point across. Make your point quickly. If your message takes more than the average viewing time,  they might view it without getting your message. The video can tell a longer story.
  4. The link needs to go straight to the action item that will please the audience. So, not only serving the advertiser, but pulling the viewer into the action that they want to take next after seeing the video. So if you promised more videos, make sure to link it to that content and that the first impression is a pleaser.
  5. Cross platform. If you are using video ads in multiple media, you will get close to a 20% better return. Sure it would be great if you also had Prime Time ads on TV, however you can upload your contacts into multiple social media channels and make sure they see your video on multiple platforms like mixing Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest and if you add the target of similar people you can reach beyond that customer list to others like them.

For more on the creative content, here’s some ideas from Facebook:

Here is the details on the stats referenced:

For more information on improving your marketing or your website performance, contact Tailor-Made Advertising to review and improve your efforts. Liz Harsch has been helping business owners maximize their marketing budget since 1988. For more information about Liz or Tailor-Made Advertising, visit Liz Harsch is a valued Marketing speaker and trainer for SCORE, SBDC, Constant Contact, Chambers of Commerce and Small Business Groups on Traditional and Online Marketing, Social Media, Analytics or Email Marketing for your organization, email us at or call us at 310-791-6300.